my love ... Josh Smith

my love ... Josh Smith

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

unit 8 ... hummm all are good

Well this is hard to only pick two that i think i learned, loved and gained from. I have felt that all the meditation exercises and tools from this class and from our text of Human flourishing, have helped expand new ways and gave great insights on how to use my mental fittness to gain a sense of peace and harmony. Sharing our stories in this class, how everyone experiences such different feelings is amazing and quit incrediable. I think I will go back to the most the loving and kindness exercise because it made me think about the gratefulness i have for all the people in my life and the amount of love i have to share and accept from my friends, family and lover.


  1. It was a little easier for me to pick two exercises because they were the two that made me really think and feel. I think the Loving-Kindness exercise is on everyone’s list because it allows you to think of those that you love personally and those that you wish you help.

  2. Hi Jessica, yes your post says it all! It's a beautiful thing to see and appreciate what is around you! Some are so blessed but become complacent and let their limited time here on earth with their loved ones slip by :( how sad...I wish I had the power to hit everyone with a magic wand and make them see that gratitude, the loving kindness, etc.....Best of everything to you in your future :)

  3. Hi Jess,
    I hope we have all learned a huge amount from this course! I believe the Loving Kindness and gratitude exercises are essential to healthy living! WE can all benefit from focusing on whats good in our lives rather than what is bad! Have a blessed day!

  4. Jess the loving kindness exercise does make you think about the things that we are grateful for, I am grateful for so many things. I am grateful for my daughter and grand daughter coming home this weekend.

  5. Hi Jess,

    Great post, this class has certainly helped me to be more grateful and take time out for the calmness in my busy life. It has let me know that I do not have to wait until the end of the day for calmness and peace. There are things that I can do throughout the day to have a peaceful and calm day.
